Private Rooms

Themis and a client sitting on a heart shaped lounge
Themis and a client sitting on a heart shaped lounge
With Host Bookings
Without Host Bookings

+60k for every additional person.

The duration of time you've booked the host for is the duration you must pay for the room.

Customers dancing
Customers dancing

Current Rooms

Nature Retreat room
Nature Retreat room

Room 3
Nature Retreat

Enjoy a picnic in this magical wonderland of nature...

Recommended Size: Party of 2

Room 4
Beach Resort

Relax and lounge about in our luxurious beach resort...

Recommended Size: Unlimited

Room 7
Gothic Manor

Enjoy a meal by the fire in our grand manor...

Recommended Size: Unlimited

Aetherial Sea Lounge room
Aetherial Sea Lounge room

Room 8
Aetherial Sea Lounge

Take a trip to the beauty of the Aetherial Sea...

Recommended Size: Party of 2

Room 9
Elpis Patio Lounge

Enjoy the breathtaking views of this ancient patio...

Recommended Size: Party of 4

Room 12
Cosy Pillow Fort

Lounge about in cosy luxury...

Recommended Size: Unlimited